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2012 Measure A Bond



The voters in the Clovis Unified School District approved a $298 million bond measure in June 2012. The ballot “Measure A” includes $330 million dollars worth of projects to be funded out of bond funds, developer fees, state bond funding, and available carryover from the 2004 Bond Measure.  All projects are planned to be completed by 2020.

Citizens’ Oversight Committee
The CUSD Governing Board appointed the following members to serve on the Citizens’ Oversight Committee for the expenditure of “Measure A” Bond Funds.

Samantha Bauer, Chair
Sandy Brown, Vice Chair
David Fey
Matthew Grundy
Burke Jones
Roland Roos
Scott Vived

Completed Projects

Clovis High School
Phase 1 Clovis High School
Phase 2
Phase 1 Clark
Phase 2
Clovis West High School
Phase 1 Clovis West High School
Phase 2
Sierra Outdoor School
Phase 1 Sierra Outdoor School
Phase 2
Fancher Creek Elementary
Phase 1 Community Day School
Copper Hills Elementary Dry Creek Elementary
Fort Washington Elementary Freedom Elementary
Garfield Elementary Fugman Elementary
Gettysburg Elementary Sierra Vista Elementary
Jefferson Elementary Tarpey Elementary
Miramonte Elementary Temperance-Kutner Elementary
Pinedale Elementary Valley Oak Elementary

Technology Service Center Reagan Educational Center
Phase 2
Clovis Adult Century Elementary
Reagan Educational Center
Phase 1 Cedarwood Elementary
Sierra Outdoor School
Phase 3 Clark / MET
Kastner Intermediate Fancher Creek Elementary
Phase 2
Cole Elementary Liberty Elementary
Ft Washington Casework Mickey Cox Elementary
Maple Creek Elementary Riverview Elementary
Mt. View Elementary Gateway High School
Nelson Elementary
Red Bank Elementary
Weldon Elmentary

Buchanan High School
Clovis North Educational Center
Bud Rank Elementary
Clovis Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
Reagan Elementary
Woods Elementary
District Office
Clovis West High School
Kastner Intermediate 
Cox Elementary 

Fort Washington

Dry Creek Elementary
Pinedale Elementary 
Clovis High School (CTE)
Clovis North High School (CTE)
Clovis West High School (CTE)
Please contact the Facility Services Office @ (559) 327-9260 if you are interested in reviewing agendas and minutes beyond August 18, 2016.


What is Measure A?
Measure A is a $298 million school bond measure passed by voters in June 2012.  Bond funds are being used to build Virginia R. Boris Elementary in southeast Fresno, and to  upgrade outdated schools and classrooms; improve outdated HVAC systems; repair leaky roofs and plumbing; improve technology access to equip students for the 21st century economy; increase access to vocational and career technical education; improve security camera systems to enhance school safety; acquire a new school site; and more. Every school in the district benefits from Measure A projects.

How does passage of this bond measure impact property taxes?
The current tax rate was not increased with the passage of Measure A.

How is the community impacted by this school bond?
Passage of Measure A not only results in improved school facilities, it also results in the creation of local jobs. Using the Business Roundtable’s estimate for job creation, projects made possible through the passage of Measure A resulted in 5,800 new jobs for the local economy.

What kind of track record does Clovis Unified have with funds from past bond measures?
Clovis Unified has been a careful steward of past bond dollars as exemplified by the following:
  • In the past 25 years Clovis residents have seen the District turn $453 million of local bond dollars into close to $1 billion invested in their schools.
  • Every project promised in past school bond measures has been completed, with the final project of the 2004 bond measure underway currently. In addition, careful budgeting resulted in a remaining capital facilities fund balance of $32 million, even after completing every project. This balance has been combined with Measure A funds to maximize the number of facility projects possible.
  • The current bond tax rate is lower than it has been at any time in the past 25 years. Measure A does not increase the current tax rate.
Why does Clovis Unified need this school bond measure?
Not only does Clovis Unified’s student enrollment continue to increase annually, the district’s schools are aging. With 60% of CUSD schools over 20 years old, and an average exceeding 28 years, this school bond measure is being used in large part to address major maintenance, renovation and repair needs of aging buildings and to create equitable learning environments at new and old schools alike. Just like an aging home, our schools require resources to maintain and replace aging equipment. California’s funding model for school maintenance and repairs provides minimal assistance for schools as they age. This creates a need for local funding in order to preserve the high quality of our school buildings.

Are funds from this school bond measure being used to build any new schools?
Yes. The project list includes the purchase of one new school site and construction of a new elementary school. New school construction continues to be necessary because enrollment in Clovis Unified is growing by approximately 500 new students per year.

How does this school bond allow Clovis Unified to offset state budget cuts?
Using facility funds available through Measure A, Clovis Unified is able to invest in alternative energy sources and modernize buildings to increase energy efficiency. Measure A projects are expected to reduce the district’s current $7.5 million annual utility budget by more than $2 million each year. Utility costs are paid using general fund dollars, and reductions in our ongoing energy costs would directly impact the resources we have available for use in the classroom.

Who voted on Measure A?
Anyone who is registered to vote and lives within the 198-square mile boundaries of Clovis Unified. The district’s boundaries include the majority of the city of Clovis; a portion of the city of Fresno; Friant; and unincorporated areas of Fresno County. A map of CUSD’s boundaries can be found here

Does Measure A include resources to improve school safety?
The Measure A project list includes a number of items related to improving/replacing security cameras, exterior lighting and repairing access ways to our schools. These and other repairs and ADA modifications to our school sites are designed to maintain and improve the safety of our campuses.
Clovis Unified School District: Be the best you can be in mind, body, and spirit
Buchanan Area Schools
Buchanan link image Alta Sierra link image Cole link image Century Elem logo with "C" and Tiger Dry Creek link image Garfield Elementary Logo Tarpey link image Woods link image
Clovis High Area Schools
Clovis High link image Clark link image Cedar Wood link image Clovis Elementary link image Mickey Cox link image Gettysburg link image Jefferson link image Red Bank link image Sierra Vista link image Weldon link image
Clovis West Area Schools
Clovis West link image Kastner link image Ft. Washington link image Liberty link image Lincoln link image Maple Creek Nelson link image Pinedale link image Valley Oak link image
Clovis North Area Schools
Clovis North link image Bud Rank link image Copper Hills Fugman link image Mountain View link image River View link image
Clovis East Area Schools
Clovis East wolf logo Freedom link image Miramonte link image Oraze link image Reagan Elementary link image
Clovis South Area Schools
TBEC Logo Boris Chargers logo Fancher Creek Logo Hirayama Logo TK Logo Young logo
Educational Services Area Schools
CART link image Gateway link image Clovis Online School link image Clovis Community Day School link image Clovis Adult Education link image Sierra Outdoor link image