Clovis North Peer Counselors Trained Bud Rank students in Conflict Resolution 12/3/2024.
Mediator Mentor Program
Student Quote about CUSD's Peer Counseling Summit
“I thought that having us students present rather than an adult (for a change) was much more fulfilling because I got the chance to teach lessons from my own words, not just my teacher's. I think the very idea of having students present is more impactful than adults doing it because the entire concept of Peer Counseling is about using that "trustworthy" student to student bond to better connect with your client. In this case, the "clients" were the other CUSD Peer Counselors listening to us ambassadors talk, and from what I've been told, they received our messages very well.”
Clovis High Student Morgan Shollenbarger
Clovis High Peer Counselors Trained Mickey Cox 5th & 6th Graders in Conflict Resolution Skills
Mickey Cox Elementary Now Has Mediator Mentors!
Peer Counseling Summit 2024
On Monday November 18, 2024, all our Peer Counselors 7th - 12th participated in the 4th Annual Peer Counseling Summit at the Veterans Memorial Building. Participants learned from a panel of 6 former Peer Counselors who are CUSD employees. All actively participated in five workshops representing each of our high schools that were run by Peer Ambassador students.
Youth 2 Youth Statewide Conference Friday November 15, 2024
10 Peer Counseling Ambassadors traveled to Rancho Cucamonga to participate in a statewide conference. Six of the Ambassadors created and organized an hour workshop.
Red Ribbon Week at Clovis High School October 21-25, 2024 The Peer Counseling students at Clovis High School organized activities at lunch time this week.
Mediator Mentor Training at Clovis High School Wednesday October 9th, 2024
Sierra Vista Elementary School Students were trained by Clovis High School Peer Counselors in conflict resolution skills to become Mediator Mentors. Mediator Mentors help to resolve conflict with elementary students on the primary grade recesses. They are trained in active listening, paraphrasing, non-verbal communication and other skills so they are prepared to work with their advisors in minimizing minor behavior issues on their campus. The Clovis High School Peer Counseling Teacher is Cassidy Salinas and the Sierra Vista Mediator Mentor Advisors and Michael Williamson and Sherri Johnson.
CSI (Clovis Support and Intervention) Training October 2-4, 2024
Thirty-Five CUSD employees completed three full days of training last week to become CSI Facilitators able to run CSI groups at their school sites. CSI groups are social, emotional connecting groups and a Tier 2 Intervention available to all CUSD students. Each school has a CSI program.
NAMI CA Conference in Anaheim
Three Clovis West Peer Counselors: Baylee McPherson (12th), Larissa Gastelo (11th), and Khloe Magdaleno (10th) and Gianna Ruth (12th) who is our ASB Mental Health representative. Sessions included topics on Youth Suicide Prevention, Heartbroken and Happy which focused on how to support caregivers, Engaging Spirituality to help build coping and resilience, Peer Workforce Investment, and Cultivating Youth Leadership through NAMI clubs. It was a busy two days with lots of information to take it! Our girls learned a lot, shared in some new experiences, and are excited to bring information back to our campus to make a difference! We will be sharing with our Yoga and Mental Health Club on campus, which is a NAMI on Campus club.
For the 4th year, Clovis West Peer Counseling has volunteered with CA Mother's Against Drunk Driving for the "Walk like MADD" event on Sept 14th. Our students this year helped to set up the memory mile, provided information about MADD, worked the teen scence, passed out water/snacks, helped take pictures, and our Baylee McPherson performed the National Anthem at the beginning of the ceremony. It is great seeing our students be impacted by the mission of MADD.
This year Clovis West Peer Counseling and Leadership teamed up to teach Human Relations lessons to our entire student body. We were assisted by varsity cheer/pom and our CTE Education Pathway students to push into every classroom during our Golden Hour periods (intervention) during the 3rd and 4th week of school. Prior to the school lessons, Lori Hurley worked with the PC/Leadership kids to teach them the lessons so they would be able to then teach them to the students. Students mostly worked with partners, but in order to serve every classroom we had some of our stronger leaders work independently.
Clovis West Peer Counselors trained Lincoln, Valley Oak, and Pinedale Peer Mediators over the course of two Wednesdays. Elementary school students came over to CW and spent the morning going through stations led by CW Peer Counselors. After lunch with the high schoolers, the elementary students were able to practice their peer mediation skills and discuss how they could be used on their own school sites. We hope to visit each site quarterly to follow up with our peer mediators and to continue the conversations about helping our peers.
Former Clovis North Peer Counselor Siena Smith (pictured far right) and students in her Fresno City College Communications class were assigned a project in which they presented information about an organization that has made an impact on the world. They chose the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, a project near and dear to Siena and her Peer Counseling classmates. This foundation funds research to find cures for childhood cancers. Last year, students and staff at Clovis North raised over $5,000 in donations! And for the last fourteen years, the Broncos have raised more than $70,000. Thank you, Siena, for your continued support and for making a difference in our community!
Clovis High School Peer Counseling Hosted their Annual Suicide Prevention Wellness Fair at Lunch on Wednesday September 18th at Clovis High Schoool.