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Edgenuity Family Portal Overview Transcript

- [Announcer] For families using the flexible online option at Clovis Unified through the Edgenuity platform, you may be interested in keeping tabs on how your student is doing. The Edgenuity family portal is the one stop shop to track your students' grades and see their attendance. The first step to logging onto the Edgenuity family portal is to visit Under the parents tab, my students, click Edgenuity family portal. From there, log onto the platform using the email and password provided by your school site. First, you'll see your student's information, what school they attended, the last time they logged on and other metrics. If you have multiple students enrolled in the platform, click the select student's menu to choose a different student. If you're interested in learning how your student's grades are doing, click progress report. Each of your students classes will be listed with an up to date progress report. The first thing to draw your attention to is the course completed percentage, how much your student has completed and the target completion, how much they should have completed to be on target. Those percentages give you insight into if your student is on target to complete their class. With a margin of two to 3%, students on target will be distinguished by the blue box end bar. Students ahead of schedule will be denoted by a green bar and students behind will be in red. This student for instance, is within 1% of being on target, noticing the difference between the course completed and the target completion. One thing to be aware of at most Clovis Unified sites, students can not take tests ahead of schedule. Therefore it's best to stay on target as opposed to ahead of schedule. The next area of focus is on grades. The most important metric is the actual grade. This number takes account everything that has been graded and completed as well as tasks that are currently incomplete, but should have been completed if the student was on target for the course completion. So for instance, if a student is behind on a couple assignments, they will be counted as a zero until the student has caught back up. The overall grade is calculated by using only assignments that are completed and graded by the student. The relative grade for most purposes does not need to be considered in how your student is doing. Again, the most important thing to focus on is the actual grade. The bottom section of each course is a breakdown of the tasks completed for your student. For instance, this student has taken five out of 43 total quizzes and received a 92% score on them. Each category is assigned a weighted total for their actual grade calculations. One area that may seem off when you receive a progress report is the graded assignments. Not all assignments are graded. For instance, a student may have to watch a video that would be counted as an assignment, but not graded. Therefore, you will see a discrepancy between the assignments taken and the assignments graded. All of those grades, taking in account target completion tasks equal your student's actual grade for the course. All of your students' grades are viewable from this screen. Next, you may be interested in how long your student is in class. After logging in, select the attendance log. Every time your student is logged into the class, the time is calculated. You can see a weekly total as well as daily breakdowns by class. On average, a student should complete 15 to 20 activities per day. This breakdown of time spent will show how long each student worked on each class and how much activities were completed during that time. For instance, this student spent a day total of almost six hours at various points during the day. From 12 to four, he spent 30 minutes in math 03A, an hour in English 12, et cetera. Idle time is time spent logged into the platform, but not progressing through a course. You should expect some idle time and it may increase depending on the difficulty of the tasks or the course. For instance, a student may need to open another tab to do research outside of the Edgenuity platform, which will count as idle time, but it is an important metric to keep an eye on for your student. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your school site.
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