Q . Who is affected by the new bus pass system?
A. Any student eligible for transportation and riding a regular home to school transportation route will use the Tyler Drive bus pass. Students must have their pass with them each time they enter and exit the school bus coming to or from school.
Q. When will passes be handed out?
A. Parent will be informed when the students bus pass is ready and can be picked up at the Transportation Office . New bus passes will be issued when a student advances to a new school site and is eligible for transportation.
Students are to maintain their bus passes as long as they remain at their original school site.
If you believe your student should have received a pass and has not, please contact the Clovis Unified Transportation Department at 559-327-9701.
Q. How will the passes be used on Special Education routes?
A. Drivers of our students with special needs will use Tyler Drive to individually check students on and off the bus, but will not require students to carry their own bus pass.
Q. What if my child looses their pass?
A. If a bus pass is lost or misplaced, call Transportation at 559-327-9701 and a replacement bus pass link will be emailed to you can use the QR code below. A new bus pass will be generated and parent will be contacted to pick up the bus pass at the Transportation Office.
There will be a $10 replacement cost.